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Here's a new-old peek at the next Dark Pictures Anthology interactive horror, Little Hope

Abandon Hope.

Bandai Namco has dropped a new teaser for the next instalment of its Dark Pictures Anthology, Little Hope.

Well. I say teaser, but three-quarters of the trailer shows off predecessor Man of Medan's spookier moments, including clips of jumping YouTubers and influencers. Then we get mostly the same teaser we've seen before.

If you were hoping for a little more by way of the video description, I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed there, too. All it states is: "You've survived the raging South Pacific Seas, but a new nightmare is looming". Sadly, we didn't get a precise release date, either; "2020" is as much as Bandai's prepared to confirm right now.

Little Hope sees four college students and their professor "trapped and isolated" in the abandoned town of Little Hope in which "nightmarish apparitions relentlessly pursue them through an impenetrable fog". It also teases that we'll see "terrifying visions of the past" and 17th century Andover Witch Trials, which does shed a little light on what it might be about.

"We've been delighted by the reaction from players and the success of Man of Medan as the first installment of The Dark Pictures Anthology," said Pete Samuels, CEO of developer Supermassive Games. "We really appreciate feedback from the community and the team remains committed to the goal of making each new installment deliver further thrilling horror experiences, with the next chapter, Little Hope, bringing an all-new and disturbing horror story to the anthology."

Take a look for yourself:

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