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Here's a first look at achievements on Epic Games Store

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Epic Games has begun to implement its long-awaited achievements system within certain games played via its PC launcher.

At the moment these will be tracked in the background and only displayed within some games while the interface is fine-tuned.

In a message posted to Twitter last night, Epic cautioned the feature was still an early version and would be improved over time. For now, here's how it looks in action within Ark: Survival Evolved:

Achievements are one of various features Epic has been working on implementing into its fledgling storefront this year. Wishlists arrived in April, followed by other useful features such as download throttling, offline sign-in and self-service refunds, as well as support for more local currencies.

Upcoming additions include mod support, gifting and social features.

Last month, Epic Games said its store now had over 61 million monthly active users, with an average concurrent figure of 13 million playing at any time. Its an impressive figure boosted by Epic's generous offerings of free games, such as its Vault campaign which offered GTA5, Ark, Civ 6 and Borderlands: The Handsome Collection. Oh, and you'll need Epic's launcher to play the PC version of Fortnite - I hear that's popular too.

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