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God of War III competition: won!

"I'm well chuffed," says EG reader.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Eurogamer reader Mike Stirling, aka slider271, has won the God of War III competition and bagged himself an Ultimate Edition of the game.

Inside that treasure chest - literally - are Blu-ray remasters of GOW I & II as well as the divine new game, God of War III. There's loads more stuffed in and shops were charging £110 for the lot, although most have now sold out.

Well done Mike who, incidentally, was the 944th person to register a Eurogamer account. Impressive; he's been here for years.

"I am a big GOW fan, right from the first PS2 game up to trying the demo of the third and planning to buy it (but no longer, ha!). I won't be painting myself as Kratos (not got the pecs for it, plus it would frighten my daughters), but I'm pretty sure the [treasure] chest will end up being used by one of the kids as an unusual bed for a dolly," Stirling told Eurogamer.

"I don't think it's quite what Disney envisaged Sleeping Beauty lying in, but I'm sure she'll be comfy."

Alongside Mike Stirling are loads of runners-up, who'll receive God of War III posters and t-shirts to amaze their friends with. Please check your email to see whether you've won.

Prizes will be sent out soon.

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