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Gag order prevents MS talking Live

Lawsuit puts end to status updates.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Microsoft has been slapped with a legal gag which stops the sharing of Live status updates with the community.

MS Live boss Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb announced the news in the latest podcast on his blog. He apologised for continuing problems but stated we'll hear nothing until the lawsuit against the platform holder is resolved.

The legal action in question comes from a trio of Texans unhappy with Live's performance over the Christmas period, as a lot of people were.

They claim Microsoft knew it would have an influx of extra customers on the service but failed to adequately prepare, misrepresenting itself to the public and breaching its contract through negligence. USD 5 million should cover it, apparently.

MS did publicly apologise for the Christmas fiasco and promised to give all Gold subscribers a free Live Arcade title. But that was the last we heard.

The company recently announced the number of Xbox Live users has surpassed 10 million, and that it has sold more than 17 million Xbox 360s around the world. Most in Japan. Shh no don't.

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