Friday the 13th has sold over 1.8m copies
Jason, my special, special boy.
Friday the 13th: The Game has sold over 1.8m units since its launch in May.
That's a huge sales success. However Wes Keltner, the head of publisher Gun Media, admitted the road has been a long and difficult one.
"It's been a long two months from our team here at Gun and IllFonic," Keltner said. "We have had an incredibly supportive and dedicated community since we launched, and while things haven't been completely smooth we definitely feel confident moving forward. The team has grown and we are committed as we work to add more content, more kills, more to do and of course the single player component to the game."
Since its release, Friday the 13th has suffered from bugs and glitches, which has angered some players. But it seems the team are making an effort to undo any discontent. Last week, Xbox One users finally got the patch they had requested since the game's launch, and the team has promised single-player content for sometime this year.
The team behind the multiplayer slasher game also revealed Friday the 13th will get a physical release on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and you'll never guess when - Friday the 13th of October.

The physical release features an exclusive free Bloody Jason skin variant for all playable Jason versions in the game, as well as a free clothing pack for all playable camp counsellors.
The physical copy of Friday the 13th costs £29.99, the same as its digital counterparts.