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Final Fantasy WiiWare gets DLC

Expand with dungeons and costumes.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Square Enix has added more bits to download for WiiWare Final Fantasy outing My Life As King.

Top of the list are three dungeons each with unique charms. Take the Infinity Spire, for example, this grows in size each time your heroes clear it out. Or there's the Castle Renovation that adds a jukebox and the ability to rename your characters when it's cleared. Finally the Library - which doesn't sound particularly menacing - adds libraries to the building menu when cleared that can teach rare skills.

Infinity Spire costs 300 Wii Points (GBP 2.10 / EUR 3), Library 200 Wii Points (GBP 1.40 / EUR 2), and Castle Renovation 100 Wii Points (GBP 0.70 / EUR 1). Each takes up eight blocks of memory.

Cheaper and not as exciting are a couple of extra costumes. There's a Fresh King outfit designed for warmer seasons, and a Summer Chime ensemble to make you look snazzy in tropical climates.

Both of these cost 100 Wii Points (GBP 0.70 / EUR 1) and require three blocks of memory.

My Life As King costs 1500 Wii Points (GBP 10.50 / EUR 15), and has you building and living in city modelled in the spin-off Crystal Chronicles Final Fantasy world.

We rather liked it, and you can pop over to our My Life As King review to find out why.

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