Fans think Destiny 2 just featured the series' first booty call
Destiny's story usually centres around evil alien gods or sci-fi technology gone horribly wrong and Forsaken, Destiny 2's latest expansion, is noticeably darker in tone than anything else in the series yet.
But it's not all dark. And it's not all about evil gods. Even Destiny's heroes need some downtime.
There's a fresh bit of Destiny lore which deals with just that - and what sounds a lot like a major character making a supernatural booty call.
The short story can be found attached to the Titan mark item available in Destiny 2: Forsaken's raid - which players have been able to glitch into and loot already ahead of the activity's official launch on Friday.
Be warned, one of the character's identities could well be considered a spoiler if you haven't yet finished Destiny 2: Forsaken campaign.
Spoiler warning: There be dragons ahead.
The lore details how a bored Mara Sov is keeping herself busy while she bides her time at the Wall of Wishes. To entertain herself, she ends up magically summoning the horn-helmeted Crucible chief Lord Shaxx for some company. At first she asks him to read to her. And then...

"They stayed for a long time," the lore snippet concludes. "The helmet stayed on."
Fan reaction to the lore on the official Destiny reddit has been positive, although this is a family website, so I cannot copy and paste the responses.