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F2P MMO Neverwinter confirmed for Xbox One

And possibly PS4.

UPDATE 6.33pm: Perfect World has responded to our query about how Neverwinter Online will be adapted to consoles.

"The game will have some different elements to suit the nature of console play, such as new UI to fit in line with controller usage and use the native friend's list in Xbox Live," the publisher explained. "That said the core experience will be the same, with a different cadence for module updates."

When asked what other platforms Neverwinter Online will appear on, it simply stated, "We have no official word on any other consoles outside of the Xbox One at this time."

ORIGINAL STORY 5.20pm: Cryptic Studios' free-to-play Neverwinter MMO has been confirmed for Xbox One and possibly PlayStation 4.

The press release names Xbox One specifically but also mentions "consoles" - plural - a couple of times. The game is due on those consoles in the first half of 2015.

There's no word on what - if anything - will be different in the console versions compared to the existing PC game. That PC game launched last summer and was a bit so-so - "free, easy and very, very simple", we wrote, and usually about not much more than bashing heads.

There's been a year of ongoing live development to add substance since then, and even if it hasn't changed much, that action-packed design fits nicely on console.

You'll need a Gold subscription to Xbox Live to play.

Cryptic Studios, incidentally, is the team behind the original - and celebrated - City of Heroes. It later made Star Trek Online and Champions Online, and was bought by Chinese internet gaming hulk Perfect World in 2011.

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