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Exeggcute 100% perfect IV stats, shiny Exeggcute preview in Pokémon Go

Everything you need to know about Exeggcute’s Spotlight Hour.

This guide was written for a past Spotlight Hour, but the IV stats remain unchanged. If you'd like to learn this month's Spotlight Hour lineup, visit our guide covering the Spotlight Hour schedule.

This week’s Spotlight Hour is all about the original Egg Pokémon, Exeggcute. This means that this is a great opportunity to look for a perfect Exeggcute and shiny Exeggcute in Pokémon Go.

The psychic egg has two evolved forms – the original Kantonian Exeggutor and its Alolan Cousin, which is what happens when you lose your psychic powers and decide to be a palm tree dragon. Nobody knows why it’s a dragon; just go with it.

Unfortunately, both forms are pretty useless in Pokémon Go, and while the vast majority of players will already have the shinies they want here, there’s still a chance that you’re missing a perfect egg, so if you’re still looking – of if you just want a little Easter in your Pokémon Go, you know what to do!

Even if you’re not keen on Exeggcute, you should still try to catch as many Pokémon as possible during this week’s Spotlight Hour because of the double catch candy bonus that runs alongside the event.

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Exeggcute 100% perfect IV stats in Pokémon Go

This week’s Spotlight Hour is a great opportunity to catch a Exeggcute with perfect IV stats.


'Perfect' means two things in Pokémon Go, depending on how you plan to use a given Pokémon. First, there’s the maxed out, 100% IV version, which is the 15/15/15 you’re looking for your 4* Pokédex, raids and Master League. Yet, because of how CP is calculated using three stats, a perfect IV Pokémon is generally only ever the best version of itself in the Master League.

Of course, you can’t see the IV of a Pokémon without catching it first, but with a little research beforehand, you can quickly spot a perfect Exeggcute based on the CP alone.

If you’re at Level 30 (or above), you’ll ideally be looking for the following CPs for a perfect 15/15/15 Exeggcute:

  • Level 30 (wild CP maximum) – 1007 CP
  • Level 35 (weather-boosted wild CP maximum) – 1091 CP
  • The wild CP value aligns with your Trainer Level until you reach Level 30 and, due to the majority of the player base now being above this level, we’ve kept to these values for the sake of simplicity. These values will, however, be different if you’re currently below Level 30.

    Is Exeggutor good in PVP?

    No, it’s pretty naff. The Alolan form is better than the Kantonian one, but that’s not saying much. It’s a glass cannon that is vulnerable to a long list of weaknesses, with each form having a double-weakness to be aware of. And if that wasn’t bad enough, its moves aren’t the most straightforward, with Draco Meteor being a self-debuff nuke.

    Kantonian (left) and Alolan (right) Exeggutor.

    If you absolultely feel the need to run Exeggutor in Go Battle League, run the Alolan one as a Shadow with the moves Dragon Tail (Fast), Seed Bomb (Charged) and Draco Meteor (Charged). This will maximise your chances of putting down both Fast move and shield pressure.

    In Great League this translates into wins against Shadow Swampert (though it’s very close with regular Swampert), Lanturn, Victreebel and Umbreon, though you lose rapidly to Noctowl, Medicham, Galarian Stunfisk, Sableye and Treventant.

    Looking to Ultra League, you still beat both Swamperts and Umbreon, but also take down Shadow Dragonite and Jellicent. Losses come from Walrein (you’re double-weak to Ice), Charizard, Trevenant, Giratina Altered and Obstagoon.

    While you may see the word 'Dragon' and think Master League, you’d be right in that all of the Dragons in Master League seem to beat Alolan Exeggutor. Still, you can beat Kyogre, Swampert, Excadrill, Groudon and Snorlax – though you can do that with a string of other, much better Pokémon too...

    The Dual Destiny Season is here! The Scattered to the Winds event is currently running. You can now catch Dynamax Pokémon through Max Battles. First, however, you need to visit Power Spots to collect Max Particles and complete the To the Max! quest. Don't forget to try out Routes, Gift Exchange and Party Play while you're hunting down rare Pokémon, fighting in the Go Battle League or competing in PokéStop Showcases.

    Is there a shiny Exeggcute in Pokémon Go?

    Yes, and there has been since its April 2020. We don’t know if eggs are cute, but we do know that Exeggcute is rolled out around Easter for obvious reasons that are obvious.

    Exeggcute’s evolution line. (Image credit:

    What does shiny Exeggcute look like?

    As you can see below, shiny Exeggcute is a pretty cool one, thanks to it being made of shiny eggs of gold!

    Shiny Exeggutor isn’t doing so well though – while it keeps the golden hue for its body, its leaves are decidedly autumnal. That’s not a great sign, given that red leaves are rarely long for the world...

    Shiny Alolan Exeggutor is the same as the Kantonian one by colour palette – it just has the weirdly long next of the Alolan forms.

    Exeggcute shiny comparison
    by u/ShadowCat117 in TheSilphRoad

    Thanks to Reddit user ShadowCat117 for the handy preview.

    Other tips for this Spotlight Hour

    Aside from trying to catch a shiny Exeggcute in Pokémon Go, there are a couple of other good reasons to partake in this week’s Spotlight Hour:

    • The best reason is, of course, the double catch candy bonus running throughout the hour. This gives you the chance to gather Candy twice as fast as usual, with each Exeggcute caught giving up to 13 Candy if you use a Pinap/Silver Berry with a Mega-Evolved Pokémon of the same type, instead of the base 3.
    • This bonus also extends to your research rewards. Remember, you don’t need to catch these Pokémon when you complete the task; if you run away, you can 'bank' up to 200 Pokémon for times like this, or when you want to maximise a Star Piece or Lucky Egg bonus.
    • If you’re a newcomer, this Spotlight Hour is the perfect time to collect enough Exeggcute Candy to fully evolve this Pokémon and enter all of its evolutions in the Pokédex.
    • Thanks to Exeggcute being a Grass/Psychic-type, catching a bunch during this Spotlight Hour will add progress to your respective catch bonus medals.

    Spotlight Hour events only last for an hour – 6pm to 7pm (local time). Next month’s spotlight hour Pokémon are yet to be announced, but check back next week for a primer on whatever’s coming next!

    Good luck finding a perfect Exeggcute!

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