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EGTV: Uncharted gameplay vids

Cream of the Croft.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

If you checked out Ellie's recent in-depth look at Naughty Dog's Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, you'll know that it's one of the more promising prospects on the exclusive-craving PS3 this Chrimbo.

Despite fairly obvious similarities to 'er with the big 'uns, the creator of Crash and Jak insists our chiselled hero Nathan Drake is much more than a brainless Larry Cruft knock-off. You can now judge for yourselves in three tasty gameplay vignettes we've just whacked up on Eurogamer TV.

Videos one and two show off combat - the first has Drake sploshing around in an underground, well, tomb, rapidly switching between weapons, going hand-to-hand, and cobbing grenades at nasty types. The second heads outside and into ruins for more happy slapping. Finally, the third clip offers a taster of the puzzle-solving you'll encounter in the course of your grave-robbing escapades.

Direct-feed Uncharted gameplay videos one, two and three are now showing on Eurogamer TV. Drake's Fortune hits PS3 on 20th November in the US, and later this year for us lot.

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