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Dragon Age DLC could go for two years

"Invest in it," BioWare commands.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

BioWare's Greg Zeschuk reckons Dragon Age may still be treated to fresh downloadable content two years after launch.

Furthermore, he wants each piece of DLC to represent significant value to consumers, because you lot are too canny to hoodwink.

"We have a very strong philosophy: it's got to be valuable. This is one of the most important things that we believe; anything we give to our consumers, like to sell to them, whether it's smaller or bigger, if you're selling something to someone it's got to be good and it's got to be a certain value for the money they're paying for it," Doctor Greg told MTV Multiplayer.

"You have to remember that videogame consumers are some of the smartest, most connected people on the planet. You can't trick them with anything, so don't even try. I don't think it's so much as to trick them, as it is the strategy behind it has to be fully thought out.

"This is the reason that with Dragon Age, our DLC strategy is doing it in maybe a year and-a-half or two years - planning exactly when you're going to do it and how you're going to do it. Some of our fans would really like us to extend the world, so it's going to be something that will make the world even bigger and more interesting. It's not going to wreck it or break it," he added.

Doctor Greg said a great way to approach DLC is to have a separate team working on it a year before launch in parallel to the main development horde. Then, shortly after release, the content will be ready to "expand the experience".

"Invest in it, and treat it like a separate project, because it is. It's not the game being launched, but it's linked into it," he said, without confirming whether that model will be the one used by Dragon Age.

Dragon Age: Origins will launch for PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 this autumn. The PC version had been planned for earlier in the year, but was pushed back so the three games could use the same beefy marketing campaign. There was, more than likely, plenty of extra work to be done on the traditional role-playing game, too.

For all we know so far, head to our Dragon Age: Origins PC gamepage.

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