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Dragon Age 3 survey leaks Inquisitor-hero story, and art

But is it real or fake?

An unverified Dragon Age 3 survey has spilled new information on the unannounced game. Chief among it, word that you'll play as leader of a new establishment called The Inquisition.

As either a warrior, mage or thief, you assemble a team of up to 10 heroes and battle a menacing new evil. You can do this both directly, on the battlefield, and indirectly, by sending out spies and engaging in political warfare.

The survey also apparently mentioned online and co-op modes, special finishing moves and controlling four party members at a time. Concept art of possible companions was shared as well (posted below).

The survey was summarised on NeoGAF and discussed extensively on the BioWare Social forums. The general consensus was trepidation: the information seemed fishy, but no one could dismiss it outright. Two of companion pictures we've also seen before, back when BioWare held a PAX East panel about the future of Dragon Age.

Here's what's supposed to be a leaked plot synopsis from Dragon Age 3 (the survey asked participants to highlight the areas that they liked or found appealing):

Apparently, an alternative version of that synopsis outlines a world in which "hordes" of demons have been unleashed into the world, commanded by some evil that will need identifying and defeating.

Much of this story is preluded in recent Dragon Age novel Asunder, by the way, which I enjoyed reading and recommend.

The Dragon Age 3 logo that's doing the rounds has been outed as a fake.

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