Doom 4 is an oldschool reboot, just called Doom
Has double jumping, more melee combat and no regenerating health.
id Software has revealed its highly anticipated new game in the legendary Doom franchise and it's just called Doom.
That's right, it's one of those oh-so-popular reboots that are all the rage these days. And why not? It's been 21 years since Doom popularised the first-person shooter genre.

Details were revealed at QuakeCon today, but footage was only shown to attendees. According to an on-site report by Polygon, the game is being developed on id Tech 6 and will launch on PC, Xbox One and PS4.
So here's what else we know:
It will have double-jumping!
Multiplayer will be "fast paced and competitive," according to Rock, Paper, Shotgun.
Weapon-switching is handled via a radial menu that slows down time when you select it. Executive producer Marty Stratton noted in Polygon's report that "You can carry all [weapons] at the same time,"
The series staple double-barrel shotgun, chainsaw, rocket launcher and rapid-fire plasma rifle have returned.
There won't be regenerating health.
"Melee combat is a big part of the new Doom," noted Geoff Keighley on Twitter. Other reports explained that you could rip limbs off of foes in context-sensitive animations. At one point you use an enemy's severed limb to bypass a security system. One demo even ends with a demon ripping off the player's arm and beating them to death with it.
You'll be able to carve enemies up in any direction with the chainsaw. (Which sounds all very Revengeance.)
"Level design seems very linear," according to RPS. It's unclear if it's just this way for the demo.
Geighley confirmed in a tweet that it will run at 60 fps in 1080p.
The game had been completely reformatted midway through development. "An earlier version of Doom 4 did not exhibit the quality and excitement that id and Bethesda intend to deliver and that Doom fans worldwide expect," said Zenimax's VP of PR and marketing Pete Hines in the Polygon report. "As a result, id refocused its efforts on a new version of Doom 4 that promises to meet the very high expectations everyone has for this game and this franchise."
So there you have it! Doom's reboot will be fast-paced, linear, super gory, and emphasise quick movement and melee combat more than its predecessors. From what we've heard you won't have to choose between a gun and a flashlight. Does this sound like the Doom game you want?