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DICE: Battlefield 2142 veterans will feel "right at home" with BF4 Carrier Assault

And this is how it works.

DICE has explained how Carrier Assault, the new mode due out for Battlefield 4 later this month that pays homage to Battlefield 2142's much-loved Titan mode, works.

In a post on Battlelog, lead designer Gustav Halling said teams can destroy the enemy carrier either by full map control or assaulting the carrier as infantry.

Each round is divided into two stages, starting with map control and ending with carrier attack. Both teams start on their own carrier and race to control the missile launchers placed on the map by capturing the control points near them. Once done, the missiles launch towards the enemy carrier throughout the round, eventually destroying its hull and making it open for an infantry attack.

It's at this point that the carrier assault stage is started. The team can either drive a boat out to the carrier and climb aboard that way, or parachute spawn points above it. Inside, you have to destroy two M-COM stations. This leads to eventual access to the engine room. There, boom.

Halling said Battlefield 2142 and Titan mode veterans "will feel right at home" with Carrier Assault. It is of course set during a different time period and in the South Chinese Sea, but the similarities are obvious. "We hope you will get the same thrill out of parachute-spawning down to a carrier as you did when blasting off in a rocket pod towards a Titan," he said.

Carrier Assault, which comes with the Battlefield 4 Naval Strike expansion, was a "fun challenge to develop," Halling added.

"As fans of the old Titan mode, we really wanted to nail the end game part of the game mode, where both teams are attacking each other's carriers. From a design point of view, it was important to create that special feeling of excitement that the potential different outcomes of a match generates.

"We also wanted to keep control of the map important, so a team which is having trouble pushing through inside the enemies' carrier can still win the level by defending their own carrier while controlling the missile launchers."

Naval Strike releases first for Battlefield 4 Premium members late March.

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