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Dean Hall posts a raw 10-min video of DayZ

"Viewer discrection is strongly advised."

Dean Hall has posted a raw, unedited video of a DayZ multiplayer test to YouTube.

It's pre-alpha footage "so it makes no effort to mask the variety of bugs", Hall explained. "Our whole focus is on getting the alpha out, which means focusing on multiplayer (server) performance."

The video shows a male character exploring, axe in hand, a small rural village. Blonde female zombies try to spoil his day but a few swift chops to their locks and they tumble face-first onto the grass.

Note that, as Hall explained last week, zombies "are very much a work in progress".

An amusing Warning! blurb reads:

"The video you are about to watch contains raw, unedited footage of a video game in pre-alpha and may deeply trouble experts who post YouTube comments.

"It has not been approved by marketing, and contains disturbing scenes such as poor FPS, floating loot, bad lighting, placeholder sounds, and many more bugs that obviously never occure in game development and therefore the project is completely doomed.

"Viewer discrection is strongly advised."

Watch on YouTube

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