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Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut supports PS Move

Swery teases stereoscopic 3D support.

Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut supports the PlayStation Move controller, director Swery has revealed.

The Twin Peaks-style thriller runs in full HD, "contrary to the two-year-old original" Swery wrote in a blog post on the Access Games website. Does he mean it runs at 1080p native?

The game, announced for release in Europe early next year courtesy of Rising Star Games, contains a new scenario written by Swery and downloadable content that extends the story.

The controls have been improved, too. "It's very easy to control now, so even people who didn't play the original should have no doubts about taking the plunge this time," Swery said.

"Of course there are new elements as well, such as extra scenarios and PlayStation Move support, so people who already completed the game before will find plenty of new stuff to like as well."

He added: "In any case, we tried to create this Director's Cut in such a way that the appearance of the game world would be maintained, while also being accessible to newcomers and old fans.

"I've been especially picky about pouring the thoughts and feelings I've experienced since the release of the original into this game in such a way that it really makes you feel that two years have passed since then.

"I'll leave it up to you to decide whether I succeeded or failed."

Meanwhile, Swery teased stereoscopic 3D support for the re-release with the picture below and the following caption: "Could this be supported too!?"

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