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Come watch tonight's Nintendo Direct with us

Live from 10pm GMT.

Happy Nintendo day! Tonight's the big one - or at least it really should be - in which the veil will be properly lifted from the next big Zelda and we finally learn more about Tears of the Kingdom. Or maybe we're just going to get a 40 minute deep dive into Bayonetta Origins. Who knows?

There's no shortage of games waiting to be dropped - Silksong! Advance Wars! Metroid Prime! - so here's hoping we might have something new to play on Switch by the end of the evening.Watch on YouTube

That's part of the excitement of a Nintendo Direct, where we're all hoping for news on Pikmin 4, the long-awaited ports of Metroid Prime and the belated release of Advance Wars and maybe even an F-Zero reboot thrown in for good measure. How much of that happens remains to be seen, so join us from 10pm GMT as we brace for disappointment.

Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Ooh you're keen aren't you?

Martin Robinson

neddie says: Only 6 more hours to go! xD

Martin Robinson

I hope you'll understand if I'm not manning the liveblog for the entirety of those five hours, mind.

Martin Robinson

I've got some adulting to do, but I'll be back online and posting from around 9.30pm.

Martin Robinson

Oh and also I'll be driiiiiiiiinking. Because what's the point of doing one of these at 10pm if I'm not.

Martin Robinson

Apologies for some slight funkiness with the comments being slow to appear - if you've posted already in this thread your comments should now appear instantly.

Martin Robinson

teddy1590 says: I expect nothing, yet still expect to be disappointed. Gave up hope of Twilight Princess & Windwaker re-releases.
I'd love for those ports to appear now, but also I imagine they'll be full-price and maybe Nintendo wants us to save our money for Tears of the Kingdom?

Martin Robinson

I have no idea what kind of logic that would adhere to, mind.

Martin Robinson

Banksy122 says: Still got some Metroid Prime HD hopium if anyone wants some
I overdosed on this myself a while ago. Nasty stuff, won't be doing it again (but please, please, please can I be playing Metroid Prime on my Switch in bed later tonight?)

Martin Robinson

ThatThereTim says: Martin, what biscuits will you go get at break time? When Oli runs these it was usually a twix.
Screw biscuits, it's 10pm - maybe a bowl of nuts to go with a bottle of red wine?

Martin Robinson

SomethingOriginal says: Even if it’s just more on TotK I’d be happy, but have a wierd feeling this one will throw up something interesting. Maybe Switch Pro? Or Metroid news? Either way see you all here later : )
Calling it now - there will be no new hardware shown tonight.

Martin Robinson

Apart from the Vitality Sensor, ofc.

Martin Robinson

Eaton Corvinus says: This is going to be a once-in-a-lifetime event! 😜
Yes only once in our lifetimes will we be able to watch a Nintendo Direct live on February 8th 2023. Make the most of it people!

Martin Robinson

samharper says: Can't wait to see what new Wii U and 3DS games I'll be able to buy from the eShop on the 28th of March 2023
And yet I'm still going to be whooping with delight at the prospect of spending another £40 on a game I already own if they announce Xenoblade Chronicles X. I think I'm part of the problem. (Also hullo Sam!)

Martin Robinson

Because I'm an absolute sicko I'm watching some old Iwata era Nintendo Directs while having me dinnner. And bloody loving it.

Martin Robinson

vert1go says: Pilotwings is due a comeback. Pilotwings 64 2?
That would be the dream. I quite liked Resort, as limited as it was, but playing 64 again on the Switch recently reinforced how amazing it is.

Martin Robinson

Iwata just revealed Rusty's Real Deal Baseball, 'which is being developed around the theme of good feelings'. This 2014 Direct I'm watching just took off.

Martin Robinson

3DS and Wii U era Nintendo really was blessed.

Martin Robinson

Miyamotosan says: Evening all.
Oi oi. Go on then, spill the beans - are we really going to see a new F-Zero tonight? I'd take a port of GX, to be honest.

Martin Robinson

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate just got confirmed for a western release!

Martin Robinson

This Direct really is a banger. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate was the game that properly got me into the series. Godly stuff.

Martin Robinson

Miyamotosan says: If you seriously want spoilers, I'll tell you this, Metroid Prime will feature in some way tonight... I've already said too much!
Scoooooop! Thanks for popping by, though, and thanks for that time you revealed Pikmin 4 to us all those years ago.

Martin Robinson

Proper nuts, that were. It was just after he'd talked us through how he made level 1-1 - one of the best things I've been a part of here at Eurogamer - and Tom Phillips had him for a quick interview after the shoot. Tom was being his cheeky self when he asked about a new Pikmin, and we must have endeared ourselves to Miyamoto as he casually confirmed another one was being made. It was a bit of a shock to everyone, the PRs included!

Martin Robinson

Anyway a big Mario Kart 8 trailer and confirmation of its release date on Wii U is now rolling into the gameplay reveal of Xenoblade Chronicles X. What a time to be alive!

Martin Robinson

underdan says: No mention on Eurogamer of the 10% pay rise Nintendo has just given its developers in Japan, by the way (and significant increases in America). It is worth mentioning, but it's probably not sensational enough.
I think a story might be in the works... It's a wonderful thing to see, but it's also worth bearing in mind that developer salaries in Japan aren't amazing - even with a 10% boost they're still well behind salaries being paid elsewhere.

Martin Robinson

h15c0r3r says: I’m hoping for a new Wave Race.
There's legend of a Wave Race that was pretty much complete and is sitting on Nintendo's shelves, ready to be released. Alongside Mother 3, Metroid Prime Trilogy for Switch and other such mythical beasts.

Martin Robinson

Miyamotosan says: I think Wave Race needs to be a game that comes out in the early stage of a console's life to better demonstrate the hardware. Blue Storm looked incredible.
Somehow I skipped Wave Race 64 when it first came out and only really played it when it hit the Nintendo Switch Online app. And it's kind of amazing? The water physics are still hilarious to dick around with.

Martin Robinson

Kami says: I think Nintendo has a store cupboard of finished games that they just whip out to plug whatever gaps they find in the schedule.
Kami! How lovely to see you! It's not a proper live report without you!

Martin Robinson

Miyamotosan says: I know Martin quotes us, but I'm going to quote this: "Kami! How lovely to see you! It's not a proper live report without you!"
And I can quote this so it's like a lovely recurring echo.

Martin Robinson

Somehow in all the excitement I'd lost track of time - and there's now a mere 19 minutes until this Direct kicks off.

Martin Robinson

Also I'll admit this Direct from 2014 is winding down a bit.

Martin Robinson

So I should probably turn my attention to this year's Direct.

Martin Robinson

vert1go says: Hm does anyone know if a Japanese NSO account gets the Shindou version of Wave Race? Martin needs to play that.
Yes it does, and being an insufferable hipster I only play the Japanese N64 games on NSO. It definitely feels like the right way to play the game too.

Martin Robinson

Right, I'm off to go and take a look at the other side of the track, as Murray Walker would once say of James Hunt when he had to pop out of the commentary booth. I'll be back in five, and I may well be somehow even more incomprehensible. But we'll be five minutes closer to what should be an amazing Direct!

Martin Robinson

And I'm back!

Martin Robinson

So with ten minutes to go what are your hopes?

Martin Robinson

To be honest, I'd just take a tiny bit more detail on Tears of the Kingdom - anything else besides would be gravy.

Martin Robinson

yoshi9123 says: Splatoon DLC might be shown, those games are a big deal in Japan
This is a good shout!

Martin Robinson

Some people are expecting a slew of ports - I think Nintendo's hinted as much, too - so maybe this is the time for Punch Out!, Metroid Prime, The Last Story and Xenoblade Chronicles X. Fingers crossed!

Martin Robinson

Kami says: Anything to do with ARMS, maybe?

Martin Robinson

Arms was beautiful, but alas I think it will be the only one of its kind. That team moved on to Mario Kart 9, and I'd be amazed if Nintendo returned to the Arms IP anytime soon.

Martin Robinson

I'm always wrong, though, and I'd be well up for being wrong about this.

Martin Robinson

Kami says: I hope Arms comes back to us, though I suspect that'll be new hardware possibly.
I still think it was a one and done. Which only makes me love it all the more.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

No srsly I'm holding onto some Amiibo. I've got the full Splatoon set surrounding me, I'm trying to summon some DLC.

Martin Robinson

Nothing beats those magical moments leading up to a Direct when you just don't know what to expect.

Martin Robinson

Nothing beats the disappointment when it turns out to be a load of old shite either.

Martin Robinson

Which way will it go! Let's find out!

Martin Robinson

Well, we're starting with Pikmin 4 - which is a strong enough start.

Martin Robinson

This does look like it could have come out way back when Miyamoto first told us about it in 2015...

Martin Robinson

That's no bad thing, of course!

Martin Robinson

Pikmin 3 was a stunner. Brittany is one of the great videogame villains, too.

Martin Robinson

themightyant says: Made it! Have you been drinking Martin?
Me, drinking? Mayyyyybee..

Martin Robinson

And there's a release date - July 21st!

Martin Robinson

Straight into a Xenoblade Chronicles 3 expansion reveal.

Martin Robinson

hazywaze says: I love the formal style of the execs. Such a different culture to the dude-i-ness of the exbox shows. Tie on, start reading.

Martin Robinson

Shinya Takahashi's really stepped up, plus he's got the straightforward manner of an engineer - I love that!

Martin Robinson

Apologies for the silence, was just wrestling with our CMS.

Martin Robinson

And in all that I missed the proper reveal of the new Samba de Amigo, which I can't let pass by. WHOOOOOOOOOOOP!

Martin Robinson

Oh. My. God.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Which boasts perhaps the best animation you'll see in a 2D game?

Martin Robinson

I have no idea what I'm watching right now.

Martin Robinson

Miyamotosan says: What diss?
See, even the big boss is confused.

Martin Robinson

I'm still not entirely sold on Bayonetta Origins - it's a series I play for the combat more than anything, and this has everything but. IT looks striking, mind.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Inkopolis returns!

Martin Robinson

What a boost of nostalgia that place brings - the original Splatoon was such a defining moment for Nintendo.

Martin Robinson

And that DLC is coming this spring. And there's more!

Martin Robinson

A stylised Deadly Premonition freak-me-do?

Martin Robinson

Well that was a teaser for Side Order, a forthcoming slice of Splatoon 3 DLC.

Martin Robinson

Disney Illusion Island! It's like what if Castle of Illusion looked kind of ugly.

Martin Robinson

Ah, there's a fine platformer here. I can't quite get over the artstyle just yet though.

Martin Robinson

But as you've all said there are big Rayman vibes there, and that's no bad thing.

Martin Robinson

Kami says: and of course Engage is getting an expansion pass...
I'm only five chapters into the base game - I'm not ready for an expansion just yet.

Martin Robinson

My excitement at all these awesome reveals is tempered, as ever, by the realisation I'll never have time to play it all.

Martin Robinson

Octopath Traveller 2 is getting a demo on the eShop shortly, which I'm keen to check out.

Martin Robinson

And a Katamari remaster? This one's getting on a bit, I'm sure, but it'll be awesome to have it on Switch anyway.

Martin Robinson

Sea of Stars, a handsome looking 90s JRPG revival, is just making me feel guilty for not putting more time into the similarly-styled Chained Echoes.

Martin Robinson

It really is a golden age for fans of classic JRPGs at the moment. If only there was time to play them all.

Martin Robinson

And as if to prove a point, here's Etrian Odyssey.

Martin Robinson

We are feasting.

Martin Robinson

smelly says: why do i get impression zelda's going to get its own standalone direct?
Ah that would be a peak troll.

Martin Robinson

And here's Advance Wars being re-revealed - with a release a couple of months away.

Martin Robinson

April 21st - which is soon enough.

Martin Robinson

StrafeMcgee says: Ah man, I was really hoping Advance Wars would drop immediately tonight.
I think I was too. Though I really should just put some more time into Fire Emblem Engage, which is kind of brilliant.

Martin Robinson

smelly says: prediction : We will get a mario kart dlc update, a quick peek at zelda and be told it's getting a standalone direct later.
I think it's wise we bring our expectations down to the barest minimum.

Martin Robinson

And yet!

Martin Robinson

Game Boy games are coming to Nintendo Switch Online, which is fine news.

Martin Robinson

Tetris! Super Mario Land 2! Link's Awakening! WHERE'S DONKEY KONG 94 YOU COWARDS!

Martin Robinson

No srsly where's Donkey Kong 94.

Martin Robinson

Ah who cares, GBA support is coming too! Including Minish Cap!

Martin Robinson

And the Game Boy games are dropping straight away. Lovely stuff.

Martin Robinson

matomatic says: OK Metroid Prime remaster is an instant buy
I think I'm behind you because I'm only just seeing this and YES PLEASE.

Martin Robinson

Kami says: Yes. All the yes. All over me. Right now.

Martin Robinson

smelly says: PRIME REMASTERED!!! YEESSS! Not the trilogy, but it'll do.

Martin Robinson

I'm crying tears of joy here.

Martin Robinson

themightyant says: Not the trilogy, but it’s a proper remaster
I'll be honest - nothing comes close to the original.

Martin Robinson

Quite happy to see it as a standalone.

Martin Robinson

And it is indeed out today.

Martin Robinson

Oh my goodness, what a shadow drop.

Martin Robinson

themightyant says: £69.99??? (Perhaps)
That's too cheap if you ask me. Metroid Prime is worth loads more than that.

Martin Robinson

hazywaze says: They just forgot Zelda. Or it's delayed.
Eh who cares, we can play Metroid Prime in bed later tonight.

Martin Robinson

Baten Kaitos remasters now, if that's your thing.

Martin Robinson

But also you were right.

Martin Robinson

There's not much room left for Zelda, is there?

Martin Robinson

This can't be happening.

Martin Robinson

Fantasy Life, one of Level-5's greatest games, is getting a follow-up.

Martin Robinson

Fantasy Life i. This is a dream Direct, all told.

Martin Robinson

And a new Layton.

Martin Robinson

With Mario Kart 8 DLC and I really don't want to appear ungrateful but WHAT ABOUT ZELDA!

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Miyamotosan says: Birdo! Take that transphobes!

Martin Robinson

They can delay Zelda for all I care.

Martin Robinson

Birdo is finally back in Mario Kart, and all is well with the world.

Martin Robinson

And there's one last thing...

Martin Robinson

Apologies for the silence, but seriously.

Martin Robinson

It's Zelda time.

Martin Robinson

And it still looks a lot like Skyward Sword.

Martin Robinson

We're seeing a lot of new gadgets and gizmos, mind that are going to take me a few viewings to unpick.

Martin Robinson

But that were still slim pickings, really.

Martin Robinson

Well that's all fair enough - kudos for Nintendo for maintaining a sense of mystery around the game.

Martin Robinson

That's no bad thing really, is it?

Martin Robinson

themightyant says: Honesty I don’t need to see anymore happy to go in blind, just needed double confirmation of date
Indeed, it's the best way - rather that than have every feature explained in a 40-minute long video.

Martin Robinson

I'm off to hammer refresh on the eShop so I can get Metroid Prime downloading.

Martin Robinson

In summary, though - BIRDO.

Martin Robinson

Kami says: Birdo.

Martin Robinson

There's one last bit of news! This is my final live report at Eurogamer as I'll be heading off to pastures new later this month. I just wanted to quickly say thanks - you've been great company through the years doing these, and often at all sorts of crazy hours! I'll be doing a proper goodbye in due course but I wanted to say a fond farewell to everyone here. You're definitely my favourites.

Martin Robinson

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