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City of Heroes Issue 15 announced

Celebrating 5 years with Anniversary.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

NCsoft has announced that the next major update to its superhero MMO, City of Heroes, is in development. It's to be called Issue 15: Anniversary.

The title is a tribute to the fact that, earlier this week, the game celebrated its fifth birthday.

Anniversary will mostly consist of an update to the Mission Architect content-creation system added to the game earlier this month in Issue 14: Architect. New features, content, options and improved usability are all promised. New costumes, faces and mission options for villains and heroes will be included.

The Mission Architect has been a runaway hit with the City of Heroes community, with players generated some 120,000 story-arcs in the weeks since its release.

Visit the City of Heroes gamepage for more.

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