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Capcom sells Dead Rising: OTR cheats as DLC

£3.99 for infinite weapon durability, giant heads.

The latest Dead Rising: Off The Record DLC pack adds various cheat modes to Capcom's re-tooled zombie sequel.

Available now priced at 400 Microsoft Points or £3.99, the Gamebreaker Pack lets you toggle the following cheats, as detailed on the Capcom Unity blog:

  • Infinite weapon durability
  • Instant PP
  • God Mode
  • Super damage
  • Super speed
  • Big head mode
  • Body builder mode
  • Dumb zombies
  • Flat Frank
  • Giant hands
  • Cinema filters

Also up for download now, the Firestarter Skills Pack offers up the following extras for 160 Points/£0.99:

  • Immunity to fire damage
  • Increased speed when carrying or assisting survivors
  • The ability to kick doors open
  • New attack and increased durability with the fire axe
  • Firefighter outfit, complete with moustache

Anyone remember when this sort of stuff was accessed for free via a code found in the back of an old games rag?

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