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The best Star Wars Battlefront plays so far

Can you do any of this?

Star Wars Battlefront has been out for a day in the UK and for a few days in the US (and for a week if you count the EA Access early start on Xbox One), which is plenty of time for people to record themselves doing extraordinary things in it.

I've trawled the Star Wars Battlefront subreddit (thanks!) and YouTube this morning to find and round up the best in-game plays from launch week. It's a mix of Heroes and Villains doing incredible things, people going on bonkers kill streaks, and enemies all clustering together for perfect, synchronised annihilation.

Imagine being this guy and picking up a Thermal Imploder (super-powered grenade) then peeking over the ridge to see Christmas has come early:

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Or being close-combat specialist Luke Skywalker and pushing a whole troop of enemies over in one go:

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This dejected chap perks up considerably when he discovers a nest of Rebel scum in a tunnel while playing as Darth Vader (skip to about half-way):

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Close-combat needn't be the limits of Vader's abilities - even X-Wings can't escape scot-free:

Silly old X-Wing thought it could get revenge:

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The other Heroes and Villains crop up in spectacular videos, too. Here's Han Solo incredibly taking on a TIE Fighter:

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And here's Boba Fett, in a long video well-worth watching (it's good quality and features good teamwork and general play), taking on just about everybody:

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The most inventive and effective use of the Millennium Falcon Hero ship in Fighter Squadron I've seen is it being used as a battering ram to smash other ships out of the sky. Turns out you can give opposing Villain ship Slave One the same treatment (and check out the score the player gets for it).

While we're on the topic of flying, here's an incredible manoeuvre for shaking a missile lock:

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The award for inventive use of machinery goes to this person who worked out that you could drive a Speeder into a bunker tunnel on Endor:

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The award for best-timed emote goes to this observant Storm Trooper:

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And the wooden spoon award goes to this guy for celebrating too early:

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The best thing I've done in Star Wars Battlefront - and I play mostly Heroes vs. Villains because I'm weird? - is take out two full-health opposing Heroes, while playing as a soldier, with one well-placed Orbital Strike. Turns out someone else did similar, and although you don't see the Strike in this video, you see the points roll in:

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If you've seen anything else you think should be featured please say so and I'll pop it in!

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