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Battlefield 4 to offer double XP for a week

To apologise for buggy launch.

Dice's super-popular multiplayer shooter Battlefield 4 launched with more than its share of online issues, causing many a game to crash. Now, to make up for this botched launch, the developer is going to offer double XP for any multiplayer match played between 28th November and 5th December.

"To show our appreciation for your patience as we work through these issues, we are announcing that from November 28 through December 5, we will reward all players with Double XP for every multiplayer match they complete," the developer said. "We understand that the launch issues may have impacted your progression, and we want to do everything we can to help you get back the XP that you may have lost."

To cap off the offer, Battlefield 4 players will be given a M1911 pistol scope on 5th December, allowing all classes to zoom in 3x with the sidearm. Previously, this special scope was limited only to Dice developers.

"You are the heart and soul of Battlefield," Dice added. "We thank you for your support in these early days of the launch, and will continue to show our appreciation as time goes on."

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