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Batman: Arkham Origins looks very Batman

Here's how Warner Bros. Montreal's oranges story is shaping up.

Everyone loves Batman, right? Christopher Nolan's retooling of the DC icon along with Rocksteady's quite exquisite two games in the Dark Knight's universe ensures he's the comic book character of choice, so you can't blame Warner Bros. for wanting to make the most of one of its most valuable assets. But the idea of an annual game series? As Ian Higton pointed out to me, it's a bit like FIFA in black leather, and surely no-one wants that. Though on second thoughts...

Well at least Batman: Arkham Origins looks the part, and first-time developer Warner Bros. Montreal's done a sterling effort of recapturing what exactly made Rocksteady's games so special. Whether they can add anything meaningful to that formula's another matter, but time will tell. In the meantime, Ian's video that he got together at the Eurogamer Expo should give you a fair idea of what to expect.

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