Assassin's Creed: Syndicate has a cool secret Ubisoft hasn't told anyone about
Ubisoft has been keeping quiet about a cool section of Assassin's Creed: Syndicate which does things a little differently to previous games in the series.

The mode itself only opens up towards the latter half of the game's story so, one last time, here's a final spoiler warning.
Eurogamer has already reported that Syndicate includes a level set in World War 1 - which we spotted a month back in the game's achievement list.
At the time we suspected it would be a quick challenge map similar to the time-travelling sections in last year's Assassin's Creed: Unity, but it turns out that the offering is a good deal more substantial.
In fact, Syndicate has a full World War 1 section with its own playable character and range of missions, which are based around the Tower Bridge area of London.
The missions star Lydia Frye, the granddaughter and great-niece of the game's main two heroes Jacob and Evie Frye. So, instead of Syndicate having one female playable character - the game actually has two.
When players meet Lydia she is already an experienced Assassin, trained in the Brotherhood like the three Frye generations before her. She has access to the game's full skill tree of perks, and begins by climbing Tower Bridge to see off a zeppelin raid by the German air force.
You are then able to complete a number of missions for a young Winston Churchill, who pops up to rope you in to the British Secret Service.
The mode also divulges more information on the later life of the game's main cast and features several appearances by the series' malevolent Juno.
Take a look at some gameplay below:
Our guide to finding every music box in Assassin's Creed Syndicate is live now.