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Destiny 2 Bastion quest steps: Grave location and all other Momento quest steps explained

How to get the Season of Dawn exotic fusion rifle.

Destiny 2's Bastion is an Exotic quest for those who have purchased the Season Pass for Year 3's Season of Dawn.

Originally set to be released on January 28th, 2020, it was released over a week early after the community completed the Corridors of Time quest puzzle.

Unlike recent exotic Devil's Ruin, this then involves multiple steps to complete, even if you didn't specifically participate in the Corridors of Time effort.

These Momento steps are thankfully straightforward, however, and the reward is the game's first Kinetic Fusion Rifle - worth the effort, we say.

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How to get Bastion in Destiny 2 in brief

Here's a quick rundown of the steps needed to obtain Bastion:

  1. Either talk to Osiris and complete the Corridors of Time quest, or complete Saint-14's 'Recovering the Past' and 'An Impossible Task' quests
  2. Talk to Saint-14 and start the 'Momento' quest
  3. Kill five Fallen Captains or Servitors in the Tangled Shore
  4. Run the Empty Tank Lost Sector and kill a specific enemy, Aksiniks
  5. Complete 10 Spider Bounties, and in Tangled Shore, kill 30 Challenging enemies and 8 Public Events
  6. Find the grave within the Trapper's Cave Lost Sector
  7. Run a special version of The Hallowed Lair strike and kill a specific enemy, Defiled Reysk

Once the above steps have been completed, Bastion is yours. Thanks to KackisHD for fleshing out some of the above steps:

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How to get start the Bastion quest in Destiny 2

There are two ways to start the Bastion quest. One is completing Saint-14's quests 'Recovering the Past' and 'An Impossible Task' - these will appear in sequence by talking to him in the Tower.

The other, which allowed players to unlock Bastion ahead of the January 20th, 2020 weekly reset required you to speak to Osiris, who can be found at the Sundial at the Director, and complete the 'Exploring the Corridors of Time' quest.

Our Corridors of Time explains this in more detail, but to summarise: the Corridors of Time is a maze constructed of a series of rooms, each branching out in multiple directions. By following certain routes, you can arrive at different destinations and earn different routes.

This includes 19 routes which lead to pieces of lore, and an additional further route with an emblem.

But there is one route you can take to start the Bastion quest - a route much longer than the rest - and one that took the community almost six days to collaborate on to uncover.

Via jaydenkieran on reddit, the path is as follows:

  • Flower, Diamond, Snake, Flower, Plus, Plus, Hex, Hex, Hex, Plus, Diamond, Plus, Snake, Diamond, Flower, Snake, Plus, Plus, Snake, Snake, Hex, Diamond, Flower, Plus, Diamond, Hex, Hex, Diamond, Plus, Diamond

With that done, enjoy the dialogue from Saint-14, then visit Saint-14 back at the Tower to pick up the next part of the quest - Momento.

How to complete Momento steps Spoken Word, Backroom Brawl and A Strong Arm in Destiny 2

Once you have visited Saint-14 and picked up the Spoken Word part of the Momento quest, you have to kill five Fallen Captains or Servitors within the Tangled Shore.

This is pretty simple - jump into Patrol and explore the area, including Lost Sectors, until you have enough. It might be worth completing but not handing in some Spider Bounties at the same time, too - useful for a later quest step we'll delve into shortly.

Once that's done, it's time to complete Backroom Brawl, which has you kill Aksiniks, Bound by Honor within the Empty Tank Lost Sector. This is the Thieves' Landing Lost Sector, and this enemy will appear in the final room behind you.

Here is WeePow on YouTube with the specific location if you're struggling:

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After that, A Strong Arm has you complete three steps: 10 Spider bounties, 30 Challenging enemies and 8 Public Events. All of these are self explanatory - the latter two have to be done in the Tangled Shore, while the many Wanted Bounties can take you across the solar system.

With that done, there are two Momento steps left to complete.

The Season of the Deep is here alongside the Into the Depths quest. You can know go fishing too! Don't forget to keep an eye on the Lost Sector and King's Fall challenge rotation schedule!

How to find Momento's grave location within Rude Awakening and Defiled Reysk in Altered Chief

For Momento's Rude Awakening quest step, you has you visit a grave within Trapper's Cave, the Lost Sector within Four-Horn Gulch.

To find the grave location, head to the waterfall within the Lost Sector, and at the base, investigate the side. It's pretty dark down there and easy to miss, but here's a video by niitq on YouTube showing the exact location:

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The final step is completing a special version of The Hallowed Lair strike and defeating Defiled Reysk, the Waning Light. You can find this from Tangled Shore's director screen (it's named The Hallowed Lair, Momento) and, like other strikes in recent Exotic quests, is matchmade.

Even with matchmaking, expect a fairly simple ride. This is a normal version of the strike, but in the final boss room, Defiled Reysk, the Waning Light will spawn off to the side at a certain point in the fight. Take it down, and the final quest step will appear.

Here's ZaFrostPet on YouTube showing these final steps:

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Now pay Saint-14 a final visit back at the Tower and you'll get Bastion as a reward. Congratulations!

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