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Arms' next Party Crash poses the ultimate question

Min Min maxing.

Are you a scrub or are you a saint? That is, in essence, the question being posed by Arms' next Party Crash, it's time-limited event that sees players fight for two characters as they partake in a quick succession of themed fights over a couple of days.

In one corner there's Ninjara - boooooooo - the grab-spamming, teleporting numpty who's favoured by unsavoury sorts when playing online.

In the other is Min Min, Arms' noodle-haired, ramen-loving brawler, and the embodiment of all that is virtuous and right in this world.

This week's Party Crash - the second after a debut which pitted Ribbon Girl against Spring Man, and saw democracy once again proven to be wasted on people as Spring Man won out - starts at 9am GMT on Friday and will run through 9am GMT on Monday.

I think I know whose side I'm going to be on - how about you?

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