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Arms Global Testpunch will refuel with more modes for this weekend

Ninjara, Min Min most popular characters so far.

Switch owners, did you try Arms over the weekend? If not, don't worry: the game's beta - sorry, "Global Testpunch" - will return for another set of sessions more round in a few day's time, with fresh modes to boot.

Nintendo is adding Skillshot and Hoops to the Arms' roster of mini-games - a basketball-type mode where you have to get the ball into a net, and a punch the targets mode.

This weekend's sessions will take place at 1am, 1pm and 7pm on both Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th June. All sessions will last for one hour.

Nintendo has revealed that Arms fighters Ninjara and Min Min were the most popular in the Testpunch so far (thanks, Nintendo Life).

Overall, the response from the past weekend seems to be positive - but how did you find Arms? Does it have legs?

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