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After Microsoft's divisive "TV TV TV" Xbox One reveal, Sony's Kaz Hirai insists PS4 is "first and foremost" a game console

"If we miss that part, I don't think we get the initial establishment of the console."

Sony boss Kaz Hirai, after the sun goes down.

Sony boss Kaz Hirai has insisted the PlayStation 4 is "first and foremost" a game console.

The comments came during the D11 conference yesterday, reported on by The Verge, and follow Microsoft's divisive Xbox One reveal, criticised by some for focusing on non-gaming functions.

Hirai said the PS4's focus on video games is essential to convince influential early adopters to fork out their hard-earned cash for the console.

"The most important thing we need to do is agree and understand that the PS4 is a great video game console that appeals to video gamers," he said. "If we miss that part, I don't think we get the initial establishment of the console. That formula has worked for us with all our consoles, including the PS3."

Microsoft's Xbox One reveal focused on how it can make watching live TV interactive, with games taking a back seat. But the gargantuan US company has said games will be the star of its E3 press conference. 15 Xbox One exclusives will be released in the 12 months that follow the Xbox One's launch, eight of which are new franchises.

As for the PS4, Hirai said Sony will reveal its non-gaming functions later. "Providing other non-game content is an area we will reveal and talk about in the coming months, but it's first and foremost a video game console."

As The Verge points out, we may be in for something of a role reversal at the Los Angeles trade show.

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