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4K PS4 Pro update for The Witcher 3 coming in "just a few days"

I Kaer Morhen I thought I would!

UPDATE 9PM BST: CD Projekt Red has since downplayed the "few days" proximity to me. "PS4 Pro and Xbox One X: both technical updates are coming," senior PR manager Radek Adam Grabowski told me. "More details about them, including the exact moment when they will be released, are something we are going to announce when the right time comes." Will it be "just a few days", then, or significantly longer?

As to the '100 people working on Witcher' intrigue, Grabowski clarified that the comment, as expected, referred to the number of people working on Gwent.

ORIGINAL STORY 6PM BST: CD Projekt has said a PlayStation 4 Pro update for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will be available in "just a few days".

"We've prepared a 4K version which will be available on PlayStation Pro in just a few days and by the end of the year it will be available on Xbox One X," said CD Projekt president Adam Kicinski. He was fronting CD Projekt's half-year 2017 presentation, which is available to watch online. No more information about the 4K update was given.

CD Projekt Red confirmed PS4 Pro and Xbox One X updates for The Witcher 3 during E3 this summer. The company did so after a logo for The Witcher 3 appeared on an "Xbox One X Enhanced" slide in Microsoft's Xbox E3 presentation.

This raised a few eyebrows as, the autumn before, CD Projekt Red had said it would not update The Witcher 3 for PS4 Pro.

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Today's presentation follows CD Projekt's half-year 2017 financial results posted yesterday (handily translated and deciphered on NeoGAF). These reinforced the picture of a prospering company and also revealed 700 people now work there: 550 at CD Projekt Red and 150 at GOG. And there are plans to grow to 800.

On the topic of head counts, chief financial officer Piotr Nielubowicz said there were, today, 300 people working on Cyberpunk 2077 and 100 on "The Witcher", by which I think he means Gwent but I'm not sure. I'm checking with CD Projekt Red (see the update above).

Nothing else of note was said about Cyberpunk, beyond the old 'we'll unveil it when we're ready' mantra we've heard many times before. However, if you're itching to find out more, I spoke to Cyberpunk pen-and-paper creator Mike Pondsmith earlier this year, who's heavily involved making Cyberpunk 2077. It's a long read so pop the slippers on and settle down with a nice cup of cocoa.

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