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You can make co-op Portal 2 test chambers now

What's that you say about Half-Life 3?

Valve, fresh from not announcing Half-Life 3 at Gamescom, has released a free PC update for Portal 2's puzzle maker that allows co-op test chambers to be built.

The patch also brings a Quick Play feature for seeing the top-rated user-made maps in various categories.

To give both the news and the co-op scene a boost, Valve will also gift owners of the game with a 75-per-cent-off-Portal-2 voucher - perfect for a friend, or an enemy, dun, dun, dun.

Portal 2's in-game editor, the Perpetual Testing Intiative, has been rather popular. Since the launch of Steam Workshop in May, more than 170,000 single-player Portal 2 test chambers have been created and shared.

Tom Phillips and me, Bertie, attack Portal 2's co-op.

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