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Yes, Cyberpunk 2077 will offer free DLC

Ohhh yeaahh!

The highly-anticipated RPG, Cyberpunk 2077, will offer free DLC when it finally releases in November.

In a cheeky tweet, developer CD Projekt Red responded to a question asking if Cyberpunk 2077 will offer free downloadable content "like its big brother [The Witcher 3]" with this:

If it does indeed follow The Witcher 3's DLC model, of course, this likely just means there'll be free DLC in addition to paid content - not instead of - but from the comments, it looks like plenty of fans are happy to know there is free DLC on the way, too (thanks, VG24/7).

As Matt summarised a few days back, there're still a few months to go until Cyberpunk 2077 is ready to burst forth from the cocoon of its extended development, but CD Projekt is already hard at work feverishly cranking the handle of its neon-hued hype machine. To that end, it's now offered a closer look at two more Cyberpunk 2077 features - weapons and life paths - as part of its latest livestream. The livestream also touched a little on Cyberpunk 2077's music, too.

For the full rundown, head on over to Matt's excellent summary right here.

Cyberpunk 2077 is scheduled to hit PC, PS4, and Xbox One on 19th November 2020.

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