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Xbox 360 outsells PS3 by 2 to 1 in US

But Wii and DS beat both, as usual.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

The latest figures from data trackers NPD have revealed the Xbox 360 outsold PS3 by nearly 2 to 1 during December.

The number of 360 units shifted stood at 1.44 million, up from 1.26 million in December 2007. PS3 sales were down year-on-year, however - 726,000 consoles were sold, compared to 798,000 in 2007.

The PSP proved more popular, with 1.02 million units sold, while the figure for PS2 stood at 410,000.

But Nintendo came out on top once again. US consumers bought 3.04 million DS handhelds in December and 2.15 million Wiis.

It was a bumper month for videogames overall - US shoppers spent USD 5 billion (GBP 3.37 billion / EUR 3.77 billion) on games, hardware and accessories during December, racking up the highest revenues in videogame history.

Sales for December were up 9 per cent year-on-year. Sales for the whole of 2008 were up by 19 per cent compared to 2007, reaching USD 21.33 billion (GBP 14.39 billion / EUR 16.12 billion).

Here's that console sales figure list in full:

  • Nintendo DS - 3.04 million
  • Wii - 2.15 million
  • Xbox 360 - 1.44 million
  • PSP - 1.02 million
  • PlayStation 3 - 726,000
  • PlayStation 2 - 410,000

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