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Williams sisters, Naomi Osaka competing in charity Mario Tennis tournament


Summer this year is going to be a little different without Wimbledon: as with most other sporting events, the grand slam has been cancelled due to the coronavirus outbreak and the need for social distancing. But you can always mix yourself a pimms to sip while watching an alternative event at home - as a lineup of celebrities will be competing in a Mario Tennis Aces tournament. Close enough.

The Stay At Home Slam, a celebrity Mario Tennis Aces tournament featuring the likes of Venus and Serena Williams, Naomi Osaka, Maria Sharapova and Kevin Anderson, is taking place this weekend on Facebook Gaming to raise money for charity. Every competitor will get to donate $25k (£20k) to a charity of their choice, while the winning doubles pair get to donate $1m (£800k).

It's not just tennis players getting in on the action, too, as models such as Gigi Hadid and Karlie Kloss - along with British musician Seal - are also joining in on the fun. And the whole thing will be commentated by iJustine and John McEnroe, which is sure to make things entertaining.

If you want to watch the event live, it's streaming on Facebook Gaming starting this Sunday at 9pm UK time.

Tennis isn't the only sport to hop online for a charity gaming tournament: Premier League players took part in a similar event through March and April, which saw 128 clubs from across the world play FIFA 20 to raise money for clubs impacted by the coronavirus outbreak. Wolverhampton won that one, if you can believe it.

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