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West-made "large-scale online titles" from Square Enix this financial year

But what could they be?

Square Enix plans to launch "large-scale online titles developed by Western studios starting from the fiscal year ending March 2015". That's this financial year, the one started 1st April 2014. There's no word in the company's annual financial report of what those games will be, but with E3 around the corner there may not be long until we find out.

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Good job, too, because with Final Fantasy 15 and a new Deus Ex game apparently absent from E3 - and presumably also the company's plans for the year ahead - the slate was looking a little bare.

Square Enix is in a much better place this year than last, posting an annual profit ($65m/£38m) where last year there was a loss (-$135m/£80m).

Thief, Final Fantasy 10/10-2 HD and Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition all posted "favourable" sales, the company mouthed. And Final Fantasy 14 - the MMO that seems to have turned it all around - is making "favourable progress".

One remark that stood out was "an extraordinary loss as a result of a comprehensive review on work-in-progress game titles", although no further detail was shared.

The outlook for the year ahead is more or less the same as was achieved this year, if a little lower - with more and more contribution coming from online games. That's because the US and European console markets are becoming "increasingly competitive and oligopolistic", which is a fancy way of saying a market or industry dominated by a small number of sellers.

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