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Video: Watch us play Trials Fusion

Fusion frenzy.

UPDATE: It's all over! But you can recreate the emotional highs and lows of Ian's livestream still by checking out the video below.

ORIGINAL STORY: In case you haven't already snagged a beta key for yourself, you might be interested to know that from 5pm GMT we're going to be livestreaming action from Redlynx's forthcoming Trials Fusion.

What's Trials, I hear you ask. Well, I don't, but I've got a hundred words to fill out so I'm going to tell you anyway. It's an awesome, brutally challenging bike game that pits you up against ever-more ludicrous courses, and Fusion is the latest, jazziest iteration that comes complete with tricks as well as a fully tricked-out level editor. It's going to be good.

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