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Watch us play BioShock Infinite's DLC from 3pm BST

Come see Clash in the Clouds.

It's been something of a special day if you're a fan of BioShock Infinite. Irrational gave a little more detail on what to expect from the trio of DLC packs, and perhaps the most exciting detail was that one of them's being released today. Clash in the Clouds, a horde-like mode that repurposes some of Infinite's locales and places a tough emphasis on combat, is out today, and Tom Bramwell's already delivered a review. Ian Higton's going to be playing it himself, so if you fancy an up-close look this is the place to be.

And, yes, the really exciting detail is that BioShock Infinite's other pairing of DLC sees a return to Rapture where DeWitt and Elizabeth are mysteriously transposed into a noirish detective story, but we'll all have to wait a little longer for that.

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