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Watch: No Man's Sky - managing the hype

Oli interviews Sean Murray of Hello Games.

During last week's Sony conference at Paris Games Week, we were finally given a release window (though not a specific release date) for No Man's Sky. While still exciting, it was hard to shake the feeling that the announcement was somewhat muted compared to the game's previous conference appearances.

In comparison to past demonstrations, in which we were promised the moon (plus the sun and the entire galaxy, come to think of it), the trailer seemed a decidedly low-key way of answering the question that's been on everyone's lips for years now - when can we actually play this game? The fact it was narrated by the Rutger Hauer took the edge off somewhat, mind.

As it turns out, there's a good reason for the lack of fanfare. As our editor Oli Welsh found out when he sat down with Sean Murray back at E3, Hello Games is trying to scale back the rampant sense of hype for No Man's Sky, replacing it instead with healthy - and properly contextualised - levels of excitement.

You can hear Sean discuss the way No Man's Sky has been perceived so far, followed by Oli's thoughts on the game itself by watching the video below.

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