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Watch: Ian shows off Rise of the Tomb Raider gameplay

Raiding tombs live from 5pm.

It's a given by now that Lara Croft is incredibly brave. I mean, she'd have to be when her brand new game is releasing on the same day as Fallout 4.

Still, if you are one of the five people in the world who doesn't fancy galavanting around a post apocalyptic wasteland while The Ink Spots croon over your Pip-Boy, Ms Croft's adventures will likely be of interest to you - they involve lots of climbing, puzzle-solving and shooting cute little animals in the head with a bow and arrow. Oh, and raiding tombs. Fancy that.

If you really can't decide which game to splash your cash on, perhaps I can help make up your mind with my 5pm live stream of Rise of the Tomb Raider? I'll be spending an hour or so guiding Lara around a snow covered Soviet Installation, which should give you a good idea on how this new instalment looks, plays and feels.

Watch on YouTube

If you've come unstuck in the game, our Rise of the Tomb Raider guide is live now.

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