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Watch: Dishonored 2 helped me conquer my fear of getting caught

I've got the Karnaca this now.

With 2016 looking increasingly like one long, unending augury of the coming apocalypse, I feel suddenly inclined to confess a sin or two. Here's one: I never finished Dishonored.

It's not that I didn't enjoy Corvo's adventures in Dunwall, quite the opposite, but the problem way I couldn't get the hang of sneaking around without getting caught. Every time I played Dishonored, I felt like I was simply blustering through the levels and failing forward to eventual success.

Eventually my desire (and inability) to play Dishonored in a satisfactory way kept me from playing it at all - no matter how I tried, I just couldn't be a good enough Corvo to justify carrying on.

Dishonored 2, I am pleased to say, has changed all that through a combination of gameplay tweaks and a more ambitious approach to level design. I talk about it further in the video below - give it a watch and let me know what you think.

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What games stood out to you in 2016? Share your favourites in the comments below. While I'm at it, I'd also like to thank you all for watching over the course of 2016. The video team has had a lot of fun this year and we look forward to doing it all again in 2017.

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