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Watch: Aoife plays Morrowind for the first time, upsets Chris

Late to the Party goes to Tamriel.

The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind is widely regarded as one of the best, most ambitious RPGs of all time. That still didn't stop Aoife naming her character Butts in the newest episode of Late to the Party, mind you.

Aoife's first foray into Morrowind was probably less upsetting for Chris than that time he showed her XCOM: Enemy Unknown, but not by much. Watch the video below for purloined plates, misappropriated scrolls and some highly questionable clothing choices.

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Alright, so perhaps the character models in Morrowind don't look quite as good as they used to, but it's still clearly an RPG crafted with a lot of care and attention. If you have any particularly fond memories of Morrowind - or suggestions for future episodes of Late to the Party, for that matter - have at it in the comments below.

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