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Watch an entire match of Star Wars Battlefront 2 Starfighter Assault

As we Maul over the details.

During the EA Gamescom briefing we saw an entire Starfighter Assault space battle demonstrated in Star Wars Battlefront 2.

Starfighter Assault has been built with developer Criterion's (developer of the Burnout series) help, and controls have apparently been built fresh even for ships returning from Star Wars Battlefront 1.

Starfighter Assault has class-based ships: hybrid, bomber and interceptor. Bombers are tanks, slow but powerful, and include the Y-Wing on the Rebel side and the TIE bomber on the Imperial side. The interceptors are glass cannons, fast and agile but smashable, and include the A-Wing on the Rebel side and the TIE Interceptor on the Imperial side. The hybrids are the X-Wing and TIE fighter.

The map being played was an Imperial shipyard above the planet Fondor. The objective is in three phases: to destroy the Imperial defenses; to go into the narrow tunnels and blow up the shield projectors; to disable the power couplings and leave the reactor core vulnerable - and then to blow it up.

Watch on YouTube

The map offers a number of Hero and Villain ships: Slave I and Millennium Falcon as well as Poe Dameron's Black One X-Wing and Darth Maul's Scimitar. Dameron can reveal enemies for nearby allies, whereas Maul can cloak - turn invisible. That's in addition to powerful normal weapons. Slave I this time has a seismic charge bomb, and the Falcon is fast and durable, with powerful canons and missiles.

EA DICE revealed a different Star Wars Battlefront 2 Starfighter Assault gameplay video at the weekend, offering a first look at the new mode.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 launches 17th November on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. An open beta runs a month earlier from 6th-9th October.

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