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Watch: 22 minutes of Battlefield 1 Domination mode gameplay

We have taken objective Butter.

We've already seen plenty of Battlefield 1 footage emerge from this year's E3. Martin and I had a good old natter over a bunch of gameplay last week and by now I'm pretty sure everyone has watched the 45 minute long, celebrity-filled Let's Play that features Snoop Dogg smoking a funny-looking cigarette and a very red-eyed Zac Efron.

So far Conquest has been the only mode shown publicly but, during our hands-on session at E3, I was able to play and capture another Battlefield favourite - Domination.

Below you'll find 22 minutes of Domination mode gameplay - that's three full matches - all taking place on a smaller version of the St. Quentin Scar map already shown in Conquest mode.

I actually preferred Domination to Conquest; the smaller map brought up some lovely memories of playing Call of Duty 2's online multiplayer back in the day. That and the map wasn't big enough to allow Snipers to dominate it, which was a nice change from Conquest mode.


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