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Vita game New Little King's Story downloadable this summer

The end.

Oh good, some artwork.

PlayStation Vita game New Little King's Story will be downloadable this summer, Konami has announced.

The vague date comes from a US press release, which means the timing could differ for Europe. Konami UK had nothing more to add when contacted by Eurogamer this morning.

It's a sequel to Little King's Story on Wii (2009) - an under-appreciated game Eurogamer awarded 8/10 to.

New Little King's Story casts you as king of a cute and cartoon world overrun by evil. Part strategy, part RPG, you must liberate the kingdoms of the land, rescue the princess and defeat the Devil King.

On Vita, motion controls are out and everything else seems to have been improved.

The graphics are "upgraded", there are touch controls front and back, there's a new story and there are online features like leaderboards, downloadable content and item combining co-op.

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