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Visceral unsure on Dante's Inferno sequel

And don't expect annual Dead Space titles.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Development on a sequel to Dante's Inferno is not underway, developer Visceral Games has revealed, and there are no immediate plans to get started.

Joystiq asked Visceral's Zach Mumbach whether we'd be seeing adaptations of the remaining sections of Dante's Divine Comedy.

"I'm sure that if enough people are like, 'I got 60 dollars for Purgatory or Paradiso,' then we would make that game. But I don't know. I don't get to make those decisions."

Visceral's God of War competitor sliced its way onto PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 last year. Eurogamer's Ellie Gibson was relatively unimpressed, awarding it 6/10.

Mumbach went on to reveal that the studio was under no pressure from publisher EA to release annual Dead Space titles.

"I think they do a real good job. I've never felt like, 'We should be doing this, but EA is making us do that.' Especially since JR's [CEO John Riccitiello] come on board . JR's like 'Make good games. I need good games, give me good games.'"

Dead Space 2 arrives on PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on 25th January 2011. A downloadable 'midquel', Dead Space Ignition, is available on PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade tomorrow.

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