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There's still hope for Crackdown 2 - RTW

MacDonald doesn't think the door's closed.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Realtime Worlds boss Colin MacDonald has offered a glimmer of hope for a sequel to Crackdown, the fantastic Xbox 360 openworld romp from 2007.

"It was a horrible, horrible decision that we still dwell on," Colin MacDonald, studio ringleader, told VG247 of the decision not to jump straight on a sequel.

"But I don't think the door's closed. Obviously, right now we're tied up with APB and everything else, but hopefully in the future we'll have the resource and something can be worked out with Microsoft."

MacDonald went on to illustrate the love within Realtime Worlds for Crackdown, noting some staff got tattoos of the game pricked into their arms.

But, rued MacDonald, Crackdown sales "didn't add up".

"We're not in the business of doing things because we'd like to, if we can't guarantee that it makes sense for the company. That doesn't work," he said.

Crackdown received a whopping 9/10 from Eurogamer for an explosive, co-operative, and streamlined take on a GTA sandbox theme.

Scotland-based Realtime Worlds is currently hard at work on APB, a modern-day gangland MMO for Xbox 360 and PC.

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