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There's a Pokérap for Destiny's exotics


YouTuber Duba has celebrated Destiny's best weapons the only way he knows how - by turning their names into a rap.

Duba regularly presents videos showcasing the weekly wares of Destiny travelling merchant Xûr. In them, he raps about where to find the hooded vendor and what he's brought to the Tower each week. It's, er, pretty niche.

But this new video, where he combines the names of 46 exotic weapons into two and half minutes of rapping, is just excellent.

It's no 150 Pokémon Pokérap, but it does feature lyrics such as: "MIDA, mida, meta, I'm gonna hit you until you mighta need a medic."

Here's your not-so stealthy Destiny rap:

Watch on YouTube

Speaking of exotics, the beloved Gjallarhorn is back this September as part of the game's upcoming Rise of Iron expansion. We caught up with Bungie at E3 for Rise of Iron release and gameplay details.

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