The Wolf Among Us launches this week on PC, Mac and Xbox 360
PS3 version expected "a few days" later.
UPDATE: Telltale's latest series, The Wolf Among Us, will launch on XBLA, PC and Mac this Friday, 11th October, Telltale has announced.
The PS3 version is expected to follow in both Europe and North America "just a few days after the initial Xbox 360 and PC releases go live," so hopefully it'll be up the following week.
The first episode, Faith, will cost $4.99 (about £3). Episodes 2-5 can be purchased ala carte for the same price, or in a bundle for $14.99 (£9ish).

ORIGINAL STORY: Telltale has opened up pre-orders for its upcoming Fables-based series, The Wolf Among Us.
Pre-ordering the five-episode season on Steam or Telltale's website costs £17.09 / $22.49, 10 per cent off its launch price of £18.99 / $24.99.
More excitingly, those who order from Telltale's online store will receive a collector's edition DVD of the whole season once it wraps up. This offer is only good for the PC and Mac versions, I'm afraid, though the game will also be out on PS3 and Xbox 360.
While we still don't have an exact release date for The Wolf Among Us, Telltale confirmed that it will be in October and its PR-man Job Stauffer tweeted that it will announce that "soon." We'll update once we get the exact date.
For more information about The Wolf Among Us, I played its first 15 minutes and interviewed a couple of its creative leads.