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Steam's Ubisoft removal not DRM-related

"A local business decision," says publisher.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Ubisoft's piped up and explained that Assassin's Creed II and Silent Hunter V were not removed from Steam due to DRM disagreements.

"The games listed are available for sale in all other countries on Steam. The fact it is not available on Steam UK has nothing to do with the DRM but is linked to a local business discussion between Ubisoft and Steam in UK," said Ubisoft in a statement.

Both games had mysteriously vanished amid speculation that Valve didn't want to muddy its reputation and be associated with Ubisoft's controversial DRM solution that requires users to be online at all times.

This "local business discussion" comes after Ubisoft's DRM servers were "attacked" earlier this month, presumably by angry fans.

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