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Steam winter sale live now

Thousands of games reduced, free trading cards every day.

Valve has launched the Steam winter sale 2015, which features discounts on thousands of games. 10,005 to be exact.

As Eurogamer reported previously, the sale does not feature any daily or lightning deals - the prices you see now will last for the duration of the event.

What will change are the highlighted deals, with a different line-up showcased on the homepage each day (but all of which remain at the same sale price).

Earlier reports indicated the sale would be live until 4th January, 6pm UK time.

You can earn up to three Steam trading cards every day just by browsing Valve's personalised list of suggestions. Keep scrolling left to earn your rewards.

It's difficult to pick out any deals, such is the scope of the savings, but numerous recent titles are included: Witcher 3 is half price, MGS5 is a third off, Just Cause 3 is 20 per cent cheaper.

Browse the full list over at

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