Steam Summer Sale is a go
UPDATE: Prison Architect £5! Fallout 3 £5! Brothers £2.19! More...
UPDATE 18TH JUNE: It's so hot! It's like thrifty degrees out there! No - not feeling it? Allow me to highlight some great deals to make up for it.
Prison Architect - still in alpha - being £5 (75 per cent off) is nuts. It'll only get better!
Same thing goes for half-price online games Shroud of The Avatar (£14.99) and Eve Online (£7.49) - they'll exist for years, improving all the time. Arma 3 (£14.39) sort of fits that bracket - and an expansion was only just announced - as does multiplayer melee game Mount & Blade: Warband (£5.09). My as well lump Payday 2 (£3.74) in there too.
On the single-player side there's the topical Fallout 3 for £5, as well as GTA 4 for £6 (GTA 5 is a reduced £38.98, expensive as that sounds) and MGS5: Ground Zeroes £4.24.
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons is chopped right down to £2.19.
The Hitman games all seem to be half-price, too.

ORIGINAL STORY 11TH JUNE: Steam's Summer Sale has begun, offering various major discounts between now and 21st June.

Some deals will last the entire duration of the sale, others are daily, while some Flash Sales are revealed every 12 hours.
This year Valve created a mini-game based around the Summer Sale. Dubbed Monster Summer Game, the more people play it and the better they do, the more discounts will be unlocked for the community. It's getting slammed right now, so I've been unable to join a game, but perhaps you'll have better luck. More details on how it works can be found here.
Some current Daily Deals (which are actually valid for 48 hours) include:
- Metro Redux for £6.79 (80 per cent off)
- Metro 2033 Redux for £4.24 (75 per cent off)
- Metro: Last Light Redux for £4.24 (75 per cent off)
- Tales from the Borderlands £9.49 (50 per cent off)
- Telltale Collection for £46.91 (66 per cent off)
- Homeworld Remastered for £10.79 (60 per cent off)
- The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth for £5.49 (50 per cent off)
- XCOM: Enemy Unknown and The Bureau: XCOM Declassified bundle for £5.09 (83 per cent off)
- The Bureau: XCOM Declassified £2.99 (80 per cent off)
- XCOM: Enemy Unknown for £3.74 (75 per cent off)
- Valkyria Chronicles for £3.74 (75 per cent off)
- Hotline Miami 2 for £8.03 (33 per cent off)
- Don't Starve for £2.74 (75 per cent off)
- Grand Theft Auto 5 for £38.98 (25 per cent off)
There's also other Grand Theft Auto games that are heavily discounted.