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Star Citizen raises astronomical $40m

To infinity... and more stretch goals.

Space game Star Citizen has raised an astronomical $40m through crowd-funding, developer Chris Roberts has announced. At the time of publication 405,803 people have backed the project.

The money means developer Cloud Imperium Games will add the Kabal and Oretani systems to the game, due out on PC at some point in 2015.

Of course, the stretch goals continue: at $42m Star Citizen's equivalent of The Hitch Hikers Guide will be added: the Observist section of Star Citizen's Galactapedia.

"The Galactapedia isn't a simple wiki or a static how-to guide," Roberts explained. "It's going to integrate directly into the game universe and respond in real-time as players steer the course of Star Citizen's world.

"We envision making the news with an impressive feat in the Galactapedia as a major goal for many players: if you're the one who finally defeats the Dread Pirate Roberts, charts a new Jump Point or makes the Advocacy's Most Wanted list, your actions will become memorialised for all time in the Galactapedia."

Currently 200 people are working on Star Citizen, which holds the world record for the most raised by a crowd-funded project. Roberts said every dollar the developer received "allows us to support this large team and helps improve Star Citizen in both scope and scale".

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